Tuesday, 2 September 2008


top-bottom: Donaeo,Some of the band, Me and "sis" DanDan, my tiny lucky charmMy "sister's" mum, my goddaughter, me and "sis" J

YES TODAY I struggled out of bed and tonight I'm struggling to go to bed. I think that sums up most musicians' sleeping

I managed to get myself together to go and join "my sis from another miss" and her mum for birthday breakfast. It was her mum's birthday.Now you're probably wondering why the hell I have this picture on the right(after the pic of me and Dandan). Well my sis J is half-Turkish and in their culture the tiny brooch is something you give to people as a lucky charm and to ward off any negativity. I think she said it's called "The evil eye". She brought me back one from Turkey and I thought it's really cute and sweet of her! Now don't worry, this blog is not going to turn into some Blue-Peter-general-knowledge type thing (for all those who don't know 'bout Blue Peter, its a very uncool children's tv show thats suppose to teach children about all the wonders of the world and also shows them how to make things that they'll only end up throwing away the next day when they realise how useless it is) No,its jus me being the geek that I am, sharing something I think is interesting!

Well moving on swiftly to the evening, I went to see Donaeo perform at MTV Base's Live Lounge. As always it was a great performance, and the band was excellent, as always! If you havent seen Donaeo perform yet then you're missin a screw!lol His performances are always exciting and bound to make you move. Also Mpho Skeef and Roll Deep performed too, which were both a-ma-zing!

Well I tried to record a little something but its a bit out of focus at times. I'd like to say it was on purpose and me taking some sort of abstract approach to filming, and call it "Through the eyes of a drunkard". But its not.the recording quality of the music's still good though!
