HEY PEEPUULLL! hope you are having a blessed day. Just absolute madness at the mo, leading up to the Anthony Hamilton gig. Got a radio interview later today with BANG radio (103.6fm or www.bangradio.fm) around 6pm so if you're bout a radio or a computer at that time. TUNE IN, YA HEAR?!!!lol
Got the last rehersal tomorrow! Insecurities kickin in now but I will conquer them. I hope.lol
Well if you saw Madrid part 1 a few blogs back, you would know there had to be a part 2! Yes last time you saw how we got bumped in McDonalds with my sister paying £4 for a kids Happy Meal.lol Well all was not doom and gloom as we enjoyed a day in Sol (Madrid's City Centre) amongst other things. My camera ran out just before the gig which is a total bummer dude but I will upload sum pics and try and find a video clip of the actual performance from someone else.SOWEEE!
Well until next time. Adios Amigos
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Posted by OBENEWASSUP! at 13:39 2 comments
Saturday, 28 March 2009
My friend's having a baby and I'm tryna help her with baby names lol
Posted by OBENEWASSUP! at 23:04 0 comments
Monday, 23 March 2009
MADRIDDDDDD!!!! part 1
MADRID was wicked! stayed in a pucker 5 star hotel and my bedroom was round. yes hevryting was round, the walls, the bed,etc etc. The weather was lovely too and me and my sis

Posted by OBENEWASSUP! at 20:54 0 comments
Friday, 20 March 2009
What a beenie up to 2? (boo to the cold!)
Oh my days. this cold is getting on my last nerve. Right about now I sound like a female version of Joe Cocker, and he's a wicked singer and that but it does not suit me at all. My throat feels like its got a thousand nails lodged inside it. anyway enough of my hypochondriac moaning.
This blog just highlights some things that I've been up to in the last couple of weeks. I sang at a charity event for my old school. They were raising money to donate to the British Heart Foundation and CRY (Cardiac Risk in Young). This was also in memory of a former student Fabian Maingot who tragically passed away as a result of a heart disorder. The concert was wonderful and it was lovely to be a part of something that would help change some people's lives.
I also saw some old school friends and met the amazing Jason Yarde. Now Jason Yarde and I knew each other through myspace but there's nothing like meeting up face to face. He's a lovely guy and a BAAD! (in the colloquial sense lol) saxophonist and composer, CHECK OUT HIS MYSPACE YA HEAR!lol
I also went to a MauMau gig where Femi Temowo (wicked guitarist!) was playing some old and new material. The vibe was live and until the next one, here's a little something for you to enjoy!
love beenieboooo!
Posted by OBENEWASSUP! at 17:17 0 comments
Support the Cause
Heyhey I've got some gigs coming up.
Posted by OBENEWASSUP! at 15:47 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
What's a beenie up to?
Posted by OBENEWASSUP! at 12:32 0 comments
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Heya peepz. hope you lot are good. Il be uploading a video blog soon but in the meantime you need to check this guy's mixtape out: So Far Gone. Drake's been around for a while and some of you reading might think 'I've already got this mixtape!'. BUT IF YOU DON'T YOU NEED TO. Bad singer, bad songwriter and bad rapper. check it out! Drake: So Far Gone.
Posted by OBENEWASSUP! at 16:56 0 comments