WELL YESTERDAY WAS A GOOD DAY!Thought of more ideas for my website (www.obenewa.com) so I'm getting there. Really liked the web designer and his ideas.Want to write a song 2day but we'll see how it goes. Jus chillin really as the funds are non-existent.lol.(well you gotta laugh otherwise you'll cry...right?)
Saw some killer clothes in topshop yesterday. My lil sis dragged me in there cos she thought she wanted 2 buy a dress. Whilst I was worryingly perspiring at the thought of making another unnecessary luxurious spend, she was deciding whether she actually wanted it! for like 20 mins!I really wanted to leave the shop cos it was depressing me :-( lol. Then when she thought she wanted it again, I went and asked a lady to go to the stockroom and get a size 6 cos there were none on shopfloor. THEN my sis didn't want it again.
So I want to apologize to all employees that had to go to the stockroom,dig out whatever the customer wanted and then find out that they didn't even need too!
After finally leaving my sis, I went and recorded a new song of mine "Hate the Way I Love You". I can't wait to put it up on my myspace and facebook. so look out people!
Well til next time! mwah!
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