Well once again it's been a long time. been busy working and singing and recording and performing but its all good. A few weeks ago I performed in a nice venue called the Bar Music Hall, Shoreditch. It was a lovely summer's day and my lovely friend and wicked photographer Anja King took some photos of me!
The mixtape's coming along and got just a few more songs to go before we ( TRUTH moveMENT) make decisions on the final choice of songs and mix it down. Got some gems produced by some of the TRUTH as well as some collabos including a duet wit my big sis and big singer Miss Nadine Charles and instrumentals you'll know! The video blog shows her putting down her vocals on the track and her son giving her tips on some adlibs lol. Also working on me logo again with a good friend and through all the heartache and pain of it all, I'm enjoying getting this mixtape together and can't wait for the finished result...might give you a little snippet soon, but in a few weeks it will be available for download on my myspace! FREEE! we all love that word don't we lol. but when it's up il let you know and you best tell your friends and spread the word.
lotsa lovin Beenie
Is that how ur oing on editing without moi
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